Ver completa business etiquette 101: social skills for success

The Complete Business Etiquette Course - Biz Social Skills
Business Etiquette Mastery - Learn Social Skills - Social Etiquette - Business Writing - Business Communication

You can navigate your way through the business world spreading Goodwill and good feelings toured all. You can be confident that you are practicing and displaying good business etiquette at all times.

We live in a world where rudeness is widespread and people really ignore clients, customers, and prospects by ignoring human beings to stare at their phones.

This is not the way to create harmonious business relationships.

It’s not hard to practice good business etiquette in all situations, but it’s not always common sense. Communications and personal development expert T Tj Walker will guide you through the path of business etiquette mastery. TJ has taught more than 10,000 executives from more than 45 countries, and face-to-face live communications workshops. He’s also taught more than 1 million online students how to communicate more effectively and handle themselves in all business situations.

In this course, you will:

  • become known as a professional with a high level of social skill and soft skill

  • know how to get clients and coworkers to know, like and trust you

  • understand why focusing on your executive wardrobe is so important for a great first impression

  • know how to create an executive wardrobe (men and women) for a polished, professional brand

  • conquer networking events with confidence and strategy

  • master your conversations to appear intelligent and competent

  • start to manage your online presence and reputation online

This course is heavily focused on building the know, like and trust factor. Why? Because business is done with people. Building, nurturing, and fostering relationships with your colleagues, clients and boss is critical to your professional success.

Business Etiquette 101: Social Skills for Success is a focused, fun and engaging video course:

You will learn intelligent insights into human behavior, and actionable strategies that will help you build a stronger professional brand, connect better with colleagues and clients, and give you the confidence to excel in business.

What you'll learn:

  • How to get clients and coworkers to know, like and trust you.

  • How to approach networking events with strategy, skill and less anxiety (because you know what to do).

  • How to interact with business people in an engaging and polished manner.

  • Why your executive outfit is important for making a great first impression.

  • How to dress for your industry (traditional, creative, or casual).

  • How to start, continue and end a conversation.

  • How to sound intelligent and competent in a business conversations.

  • How to manage your online presence and reputation.

  • Western business etiquette.

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Master Social Skills in Business, Increase Confidence and Self-Esteem, Conversation Skills, Networking, Digital Brand

What you'll learn:

  • How to get clients and coworkers to know, like and trust you.
  • How to approach networking events with strategy, skill and less anxiety (because you know what to do).
  • How to interact with business people in an engaging and polished manner.
  • Why your executive outfit is important for making a great first impression.
  • How to dress for your industry (traditional, creative, or casual).
  • How to start, continue and end a conversation.
  • How to sound intelligent and competent in business conversations.
  • How to manage your online presence and reputation.
  • Western business etiquette.
  • Skills you won’t learn in formal education or business school.

Do you want to improve your social skills for business? Do you want to be able to interact with people confidently, authentically and effectively in business?

Business etiquette skills are incredibly important for new graduates, early-stage professionals, senior level executives, and those who want to work in the western business world.

When you are skilled in business etiquette, you will have an edge over your competition. You will be able to connect better with clients and coworkers. It will make doing business easier, smoother and more profitable for you.

Imagine walking into a networking event knowing exactly what to do and who to talk with. Imagine knowing how to really connect with somebody in a natural, authentic way. Imagine being able to lead a conversation and have that person walk away liking and trusting you.

All of this is possible and skills in business etiquette will help you achieve it.

I’m Kara Ronin. I’m a Best-Selling Udemy Instructor, business etiquette and leadership coach, and workshop facilitator. I specialise in helping people develop their social skills in business, leadership presence, communication, and business relationships.

I’ve helped many of my in-person clients use skills in business etiquette to land new jobs, build their reputation and win over clients. I’m dedicated to helping you do the same in this video course.

“This business etiquette course was extremely useful for a young woman who is starting her career in the financial industry. I would highly recommend it to others in the same position.” - Ana

“A well-organised course delivered in a concise and engaging way. Thank you Kara for breaking down the basic skills and providing a practical guide in how to achieve success.” - Kate

The professional world today is fiercely competitive and you have to go one extra mile to stay on your career trajectory. How do you remain employable? How do you stand out from the crowd?

Despite what you might think, learning more technical skill is often not the answer. But improving, enhancing and developing your business etiquette and social skill is the key to sustained employment and professional success.

Think of it this way: For two people who have a comparable level of education and skill, what separates these two people when it comes to success is their ability to connect with others, engage in conversation, and communicate their true potential to decision-makers in their industry.

In other words, what separates these two people when it comes to success, is their level of social skill in business.

Remember, hard skills might get you hired but lack of soft skills will get you fired.

In this course, you will

  • become known as a professional with a high level of social skill and soft skill

  • know how to get clients and coworkers to know, like and trust you

  • understand why focusing on your executive wardrobe is so important for a great first impression

  • know how to create an executive wardrobe (men and women) for a polished, professional brand

  • conquer networking events with confidence and strategy

  • master your conversations to appear intelligent and competent

  • start to manage your online presence and reputation online

This course is heavily focused on building the know, like and trust factor. Why? Because business is done with people. Building, nurturing, and fostering relationships with your colleagues, clients and boss is critical to your professional success.

Business Etiquette 101: Social Skills for Success is a focused, fun and engaging video course.

You will learn intelligent insights into human behavior, and actionable strategies that will help you build a stronger professional brand, connect better with colleagues and clients, and give you the confidence to excel in business.

There is over 3.5 hours of video content, a custom designed workbook, presentation slides, and quizzes to deepen your learning.

BONUS: There is a bonus 90-page ebook in Lecture 13 titled, “Networking 101: Social Skills for Business Success” which is normally priced at US$47 on my website.

“I am loving this course!” - Deaneen

“I really got lots of insights. Used to have the mindset of knowledge is more important than dressing. But after going through this course, I realized how dressing sense for business is very important. Well delivered with high energy, fun and clear examples. Downloaded even the free books for further reading. Thank you Kara!!” - Vijayasekar

“Thank you so much for making this course available online, have learnt a lot of valuable skills and knowledge here. Which I believe will surely help me in professional development as an entrepreneur.” - Richard

“Great course so far. I like the "Know, Like, Trust," concept.” - Anonomized User

What you won’t learn in this course is boring, stuffy, out-of-date advice that you can’t apply to modern life today.

When you finish this course, you will see a change in the way you interact with others, the way others interact with you, and new opportunities will unfold in your life because of your new mastery of social skills.

I’d be honoured if you join me on this journey.

“Kara, this is a real life changing course for me. It is very motivational. Thank you for opening my eyes. This course will make a turning point in anyone's life.” - Marco

What are 5 basics of business etiquette?

The 5 basics of business etiquette.
Be on time. Whether you're attending an interview or daily standup meeting, being on time in a work environment shows that you respect everyone's schedule. ... .
Recognize your team. ... .
Dress appropriately. ... .
Respect shared spaces. ... .
Build emotional intelligence..

What have you learned from business etiquette?

Business etiquette is important because it creates a professional, mutually respectful atmosphere and improves communication, which helps an office serve as a productive place. People feel better about their jobs when they feel respected, and that translates into better customer relationships as well.


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