Ver productivity and time management for the overwhelmed curso

If you have more things to do than you have time and frequently get overwhelmed with all your priorities and tasks, you are in the right place! I designed this course to help people from all walks of life that struggle with trying to get it all done.

At the same time I have done my best to design this course as efficiently as possible since time is our most precious resource.

This course is going to be focused into three areas or sections. Each is designed to build on the other, but each lecture is labeled by concept clearly, so you will also be able to come back and hit specific topics that are most helpful for you.

In our first section we are going to focus on what is causing our overwhelm and what leads us to procrastination.

In our second section, we build the foundation for a new level of productivity and cover the fundamentals and key concepts that must be mastered in order to really get the results you want and to be a master of productivity. If you don’t start with the right fundamentals, even the best tricks and hacks won’t be fully utilized.

And finally in our last section we will build on the foundation we created by implementing proven productivity and time management tactics and strategies to really make a dramatic improvement in your productivity.

Here is what some of my students have to say about the course.

Great course!

The instructor is very knowledgeable on this subject. He uses applicable scenarios that I will definitely apply to my daily life. His ideas and instruction were easy to understand and make sense! The production quality was great- clear voice, no background noise and the instructor was a great speaker. He was engaging and quick to the point. I would highly recommend if you want a productive way of life and need to get things done more efficiently! by ELizabeth Garvin

A lot of information put out. So many nuggets to use in everyday life leading you down the road of success. Feels genuine for many reasons most important one in my opinion is the free apps to assist in accomplishing your tasks or goals. 2 hours well spent and managed. by Edward D Smith

Amazing course

This course is very informative, the explanations are crystal clear and the instructor is very engaging. by Mr. Vignesh Gunasekaran

Great Course
I enjoyed this course, very informative with great examples and nuggets of wisdom to apply in life. Thanks! by Mr. Bill Todd

So let’s not waste anymore time. Let’s jump right in and get started!

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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!

Detailed Rating

Stars 5 26126
Stars 4 20887
Stars 3 5591
Stars 2 604
Stars 1 181

Diagrama de temas

  • General


    The course is prepared by Fondo Formación Euskadi (FFE) in the framework of OpenPROF project.

    In these demanding and dynamic times we are living, where we do so many activities with multiple tools and media, we realize that our life and work are less productive. It's the same story wherever you go these days, we feel overwhelmed with things to do and we have too many matters to handle. It doesn't matter what your job is: managers, salespeople, administrators,...everyone has the same common bond: they're not able to get everything done...
    What is that lack of productivity and poor personal management due to? Our work? The environment around us? The technology we use? Our bad habits? Our bad habits? We all have the same amount of time: 24 hours per day. The real issue is how we organize our time." This is what differentiates people who achieve excellent results and those that achieve average results in their performance. Throughout this course we are going to identify the problem, what should be changed, and how to do so. The problem will be identified, you will be motivated and offered a solution.
    The idea of this course is to carry out a series of positive habits and in this way, reach a productive equilibrium to be an organized and efficient person. We want to be more efficient in our daily lives and work. It's not worth much to your day to read the latest innovations and updates if you don't have time to implement them.
    If right now you feel consumed by stress and strangled by your tasks, you have two options: allow that black hole of anxiety, pressure and wasted time drag you down or take action to get ahead.

    Help you to be a more productive, organized and efficient person capable of managing yourself well.
    You have to prioritize your tasks and learn not to procrastinate.
    Learn to discern between the essential and the irrelevant. Be capable to squeezing the most out of each hour of the day.
    Know and apply a method composed of strategies, techniques and abilities that can help you day to day.

    The course has a theoretical part, but the focus is totally practical, and it is important you take this into account from the outset.
    The idea is to change bad habits into more productive actions. That's why in this chapter, behaviors are proposed that will make you rethink how you are currently doing things. You are advised to adopt the process gradually and practically. For the study of this course, you are advised to have a clear mind and be in a calm place. Have a paper and pencil handy, it will be interesting to take notes or make lists, diagrams or
    outlines that throughout this text will be suggested to you in order to cement your progress. Regardless of the exercises, it will be helpful to have the notebook and pencil in order to take notes about everything that is happening.

  • What does "Time Management" refer to?

    What does "Time Management" refer to?

  • How to Be Productive (Part I)

    How to Be Productive (Part I)

  • How to Be Productive (Part II)

    How to Be Productive (Part II)

  • Time Management and Social Media

    Time Management and Social Media


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