Watch udemy, inc. jmeter - testes de performance

What is the JMeter ramp up period?

When configuring your load test within JMeter, one of the fields users must consider is the ramp-up period. The ramp-up period is the length of time it takes to reach the number of users, or threads, you set in your test. For example, if you set your number of threads at five and your ramp-up period is 50 seconds, there will be a 10 second delay between each thread. Setting a ramp-up period ensures that all the threads do not execute at the same time and avoids too high of a workload at the beginning of the test.

What is a JMeter JSON extractor, and how does it work?

The JMeter JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Extractor, or as it is called with JMeter, the JSON Post-Processor, does exactly as the name implies. It allows users to extract data, or text content, from JSON responses and compare those to the request, or pass those values on to another request. We talked earlier in this guide about JMeter Samplers, which are what perform the actual work of your JMeter test. If you are using the JSON Extractor, this must be created as a child element under the Sampler you have indicated.

Can I used JMeter in a command line format?

The load test plan in JMeter is created in GUI (Graphical User Interface) mode. Once the test has been created, the test itself can be run in CLI (Command Line Interface) mode, which had been previously called Non-GUI mode. Executing the test in CLI mode consumes less memory, therefore more threads can be used on a load generator.

What is the maximum throughput for JMeter?

The amount of throughput that JMeter can utilize depends on the hardware of your local machine. You can determine the throughput by trial and error, and increase the number of users, or threads, and when you start getting error messages about hitting your memory capacity. There are some workarounds to increase the number of users, such as running in CLI mode, increasing heap space, or memory, using LAN (Local Area Networks) connection instead of Wi-Fi, or run scripts across additional machines.

Is JMeter the best free load testing tool?

While JMeter is one of the most popular free open-source load testing tools, there are many other free load testing tools available. It comes down to the applications or technologies you need support for, the capabilities of your team, and what type of test results and reports you need. There are many tools that use different scripting frameworks and extensibility features, so finding the one that best meets your needs is important. The paid load testing solutions are typically more complete and remove a lot of the hassle of having to manually create and configure load tests.

What are the best paid alternatives to JMeter?

Today, development teams and performance testers have many free and paid alternatives to JMeter. We discussed some of these in the sections above, such as LoadView, WebLoad, BlazeMeter, and LoadRunner. Some of the advantages paid tools have over open-source tools is that they reduce the amount of time to have to configure and script load tests, typically support more technologies and frameworks, provide access to more load generators so you do not have to manage the network, and dedicated support.

How do I Install JMeter?

Installing JMeter is straightforward and simple, however, because it needs to be installed on a local machine, the machine you install JMeter on must meet specific system requirements. Additionally, because JMeter is a Java application, you must have a compliant, or up to date version of Java installed. JMeter provides a couple of different of binary and source files for users to choose from.

How do I load test using JMeter?

There are several steps involved to load test using JMeter and these steps can differ, depending on what it is your testing. We discussed, in detail, the process of setting up load tests with JMeter in the previous sections of this guide, but for simplicity, these are the steps involved for load testing with JMeter:

  • Configure your load test plan.
  • Add and Configure your Thread Group.
    • Recording Controller
    • Number of Threads (Users)
    • Ramp-Up Period
    • Loop Count (Iterations)
  • Test Script Recorder (if recording user interactions)
    • Network settings
    • Install Certificate
    • Browser settings
  • Add and Configure Sampler
    • HTTP, FTP, SMTP, or TCP Requests, etc.
    • Server Name or IP
    • URL path
  • Add and Configure Listener
    • Summary Report, Aggregate Graph, View Results Tree, View Results in Table, etc.
  • Run Test
    • Collect and view test results.

What’s a good example of JMeter BeanShell assertion?

Within JMeter, users can use built-in BeanShell components. BeanShell is an open-source Java-based interpreter. BeanShell provides users with multiple benefits, like application and scripting extensibility, debugging, and working with Java objects and APIs dynamically. There are many assertions that JMeter supports depending on your test scenario. The BeanShell Assertion in JMeter allows users to check specific assertion using a BeanShell script. An example of this would be to check if a server is returning a specific response or string or a value in a JSON field. There are also pre-defined variables that can be implemented into the script, such as FailureMessage, SamplerData, SampleResult, etc. It is noted within JMeter that users should move to JSR223 Test Elements and switching from BeanShell to Groovy functions.

Is there such as thing as a JMeter online certification?

There is no official JMeter online certification through the JMeter site itself, however, there are JMeter online certifications though other companies, such as BlazeMeter, Udemy, VSkills, Edureka, and others. There are also some great tutorials from regular JMeter users on YouTube that can be accessed to help walk you through specific steps or troubleshoot any issues you may be experiencing.

Can JMeter parse a JSON response?

During the Test Plan creation and setup in JMeter, users have the option to choose from several Post Processors. One of these includes the JSON Extractor. This feature allows users to pull the specific data you need using the JSON-PATH syntax and is configured after Sampler (as a child element). There are several attributes in the JSON-PATH Post-Processor window, like Name, Variable names, JSON Path expressions, Match Numbers, Compute concatenation var, etc.

Can you use JMeter with Jenkins and Maven?

JMeter can be used with CI/CD and management tools, like Jenkins and Maven. Jenkins, like JMeter is also an open-source Java-based tool, allowing users to automate their tests. Maven is used to build and managing Java-based projects. For using JMeter with Jenkins, you must have an active Jenkins account (as well as installing the Git plugin) and have Jenkins installed on the same machine that you have JMeter installed on. Your JMeter scripts should be saved in Git so that they can be accessed via Jenkins. Once you have tied your accounts together, you can go through the process of configuring and creating your test via Jenkins. With Maven, JMeter provides a plugin that can be accessed through GitHub, allowing users to run tests through your Maven project as opposed to running them as scripts.

What is a JMeter Post-Processor?

Within the JMeter load test setup, there are Pre-Processors and Post-Processors. Pre-Processors execute some action prior to a Sampler request, such as getting data from web page. On the other hand, a Post-Processor runs after a Sampler element and is typically used to extract, or parse, data from the HTTP response.

What is a JMeter prev variable?

The prev variable is one of several variables used in Apache Groovy scripts before the script is executed. Other examples include log (Logger), ctx (JMeterContext object), vars (JMeterVariables object), props (JMeterProperties), threadName, and sampler, to name a few. The prev variable can be used in JSR223 Post-Processor actions, such as getting certain information, such as connect time, latency, bytes, URL information, etc., for an HTTP request Thread Group.

Does JMeter require a proxy certificate?

When utilizing the JMeter HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, users must go through various configuration steps to be able to use that feature. One of those steps involves initiating the JMeter proxy server to script actions from the browser. For that to happen, JMeter users must install a JMeter CA (Certificate Authority) certificate. HTTP/S connections utilize certificates to authenticate connections between servers and clients/browsers. Installing JMeter CA certificate allows JMeter to act as the server so it can pull the HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) responses from the browser.

How do you keep JMeter sessions from expiring?

Within each of the different JMeter Samplers, there are specific configuration options, including setting various timeout parameters, like Connection timeout, Read timeout, Response timeout, Query timeouts, etc. If the Sampler does not support timeouts, then it should be set long enough so that it does not timeout during a load test.

How do you keep JMeter sessions from expiring?

JMeter screenshots of example tests, dialog boxes, steps, and all the JMeter testing elements can be found throughout the JMeter website, JMeter Wiki, and JMeter FAQ section, as well as third-party IT learning and resource hubs, like GitHub, GitLab, Guru99, and Bitbucket. JMeter has an extensive knowledge base of content and community-backed support.

What’s the best alternative to JMeter?

An open-source load testing tool like JMeter requires extensive knowledge of JMeter and programming knowledge, as well as an experienced team to set up and execute tests. JMeter was one of the early pioneers of load testing, but websites, applications, and APIs have become more complex, and new load testing tools, solutions, and technologies are required. We have discussed a lot of the alternatives, open-source and paid, to JMeter in this guide, such as Gatling, LoadView, WebLoad, LoadRunner, Locust, and BlazeMeter. While a free, open-source, option may seem appealing at first, it comes with a lot of additional manual configuration and work. A web-based solution like LoadView allows testers and teams to focus on load testing, with real browsers, and saves them from the burdens of having to manage load injectors and additional hardware. LoadView supports the latest protocols and technologies, supports third-party tools like Postman, and provides a network of cloud load injector servers from around the world.

Is it worth paying for a load testing tool?

There are many great open-source load testing tools, and we discussed a few of them in this guide. It is hard to pass up a free tool, open-source solutions may not offer all the features, out of the box, that you require. A lot of the paid load testing tools support multiple protocols, third-party integrations, offer scripting tools, and multiple pricing plans, and access to support whenever you need. Additionally, like we have seen with JMeter, it is an extremely complex tool that requires a lot of knowledge to use. There are many steps involved in setting up the test plan and various configurations that you must consider. If you have not used JMeter before, it may take a few tests to get it just right. Paid load testing tools typically walk you through the process, step by step, so by the end of completing your test plan, it is ready to go. You will not have to waste additional time creating more tests or going back and reconfiguring the test. If you can find a tool that supports the technologies you need to test, great feature-set, and all within your budget, it is worth paying for a load testing tool.

Watch udemy, inc. jmeter - testes de performance

Our load testing solution, LoadView, provides users with best-of-breed cloud-based load testing in a cost-effective package. Unlike JMeter, which is not a real browser only utilizes protocol-based tests, which, like we discussed in this guide, is not enough for today’s websites and applications. A lot of the performance execution is now pushed to browsers, so it is critical to have a solution that can script, execute, and simulate real user actions within the browser. JMeter cannot execute JavaScript, and therefore AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) requests, so that is a big disadvantage for a lot of performance testers. LoadView, along with the EveryStep Web Recorder, supports dynamic web application technologies like JavaScript, AJAX, Java, HTML5, PHP, and more. Creating load testing scripts are as easy as navigating through your applications like a normal user. Furthermore, the LoadView platform provides users with a worldwide network of cloud-based load generators, not load generated from your local machine like JMeter offers, which provides more realistic conditions, and therefore, better test and reporting results.