Watch az-900: microsoft azure fundamentals exam prep - jan 2022 videos

Candidates for this exam should have foundational knowledge of cloud services and how those services are provided with Microsoft Azure. The exam is intended for candidates who are just beginning to work with cloud-based solutions and services or are new to Azure.

Azure Fundamentals exam is an opportunity to prove knowledge of cloud concepts, Azure services, Azure workloads, security and privacy in Azure, as well as Azure pricing and support. Candidates should be familiar with the general technology concepts, including concepts of networking, storage, compute, application support, and application development.

Azure Fundamentals can be used to prepare for other Azure role-based or specialty certifications, but it is not a prerequisite for any of them.

You may be eligible for ACE college credit if you pass this certification exam. See ACE college credit for certification exams for details.


The English language version of this exam will be updated on October 28, 2022. Please download the study guide in the “Tip” box for details on upcoming changes. If a localized version of this exam is available, it will be updated approximately eight weeks after this date.

Passing score: 700. Learn more about exam scores.


  • Download the AZ-900 study guide to help you prepare for the exam
  • View free sample questions to help prepare for this exam
  • Demo the exam experience by visiting our Exam Sandbox

Is exam AZ 900 Microsoft Azure fundamentals hard?

How difficult is the AZ-900 exam? The AZ 900 certification is a foundation-level qualification, which means you don't need a comprehensive understanding of Cloud computing or Azure. It is a professional Microsoft certification, so you should expect a challenge.

What is the best way to prepare for AZ 900?

I recommend taking self-paced courses and practice exams on the relevant areas of Azure. The best way to do that is to go through Cloud Academy's AZ-900 Exam Preparation Learning Path, which includes video-based courses, hands-on labs, and a practice exam to test your knowledge before you take the actual exam.

How long does it take to prepare AZ 900?

How long do I need to prepare for the AZ-900? If you dedicate a few hours a week for two months, you should have no problem getting up to speed. While the AZ-900 isn't in-depth, it is a broad overview of (almost) everything in Azure. In general, you need to know all the services and topic areas.

Is Azure fundamentals hard to pass?

The Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 exam broadens your knowledge horizon and exposes you to explore real-world mastery. However, exam preparation is no child play. Put another way, it is very difficult for candidates to prepare for the certification exam without proper guidance and learning resources.